December 2016 | Management
Susan Fournier
Susan Fournier
César Ritz Colleges
Le Bouveret, Switzerland
Susan Fournier, currently serving as Area Consultant for Switzerland on the EuroCHRIE Board, is a lecturer at Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland where she has been teaching Hospitality Management for the past 20 years. A Certified Hospitality Educator since 2002 she has an MSc in International Hospitality Management and a Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education. Having participated at EuroCHRIE and ICHRIE conferences for the past sixteen years, her initial contribution to ICHRIE was to serve on the CAHM accreditation board from 2005-2008 and on the Board of EuroCHRIE from 2007-2010, initially as Director of Conferences and later as Director of Networking. She served as President of International CHRIE from 2011-2012. Raised in the USA then living and teaching in Europe, she has had the opportunity to work with students and colleagues from many nations in a very multicultural environment. She fully appreciates the value of the global network of educators and the internationalization ICHRIE fosters.
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