October 2018


COMBAT Trafficking in Human Beings: Toolkit

Human trafficking is one of the most profitable crimes today. It involves the movement of victims, through force, coercion and abuse for the purpose of exploitation through forced prostitution, forced or bonded labour, forced criminality, domestic servitude, forced organ removal or the exploitation of children through the sex trade, begging or warfare. Read more ›

Credit: BBC South Today

Useful Links

ICHRIE Conference Proceedings

International CHRIE is pleased to offer past Conference Proceedings to our members.

The Publications Council of International CHRIE has made available to all ICHRIE members the opportunity to download the Conference Proceedings at no additional cost. The contents of all material available on this website are copyrighted by International CHRIE unless otherwise indicated. The copyright shall include, but is not limited to, the following ISBN/ISSN numbers: 0-9746470-9-8 [2008, Atlanta, Georgia USA]; 0-9746470-7-1 [2007, Dallas, Texas USA]; 0-9746470-4-7 [2006, Washington, DC USA]; 0-9746470-3-9 [2005, Las Vegas, Nevada USA]; 0-9746470-1-2 [2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA]. This copyright is also in effect for the Conference Proceedings from the 2003 International CHRIE Conference in Palm Spring, California USA.

All rights reserved by International CHRIE.

EuroCHRIE Conference Proceedings

Conference Proceedings from the 2016 EuroCHRIE conference in Budapest are now available

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Cases

We are happy to announce the release of the next issue of the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Cases.

To access details about the journal, click here

More Useful Links

Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Network

Assessment, Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

Academy Update Now Available

The latest edition of Academy Update is now available on the Higher Education Academy website. Please click on the link below. In it you will find the latest news from the Academy, including information about funding opportunities, events, and resources.


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