April 2018


EuroCHRIE Newsletter

The Spring 2018 edition of the EuroCHRIE Newsletter is now available to download.

Previous Newsletters

The Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education

The Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education is a refereed, interdisciplinary quarterly magazine designed to serve the needs of all levels of hospitality and tourism education through the presentation of issues and opinions pertinent to the field. The main objective of this periodical is to facilitate scholarly interchange among hospitality and tourism educators, industry practitioners and educators from related disciplines. All members of International CHRIE receive the Educator in February, May, August and November.

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The Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research

Published three times each year, the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research offers high quality refereed articles which advance the knowledge base of the hospitality field. An editor and a review board consisting of leading hospitality and tourism researchers guide articles on empirical research, theoretical developments and innovative methodologies.

Click here for more information >

The Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases

The Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases (JHTC) is an international refereed electronic journal (e-journal) published by ICHRIE. The mission of JHTC is to distribute quality case studies to academics and professionals interested in using the case study method as a teaching, research and/or management tool.

We are happy to announce the release of the newest issue of the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Cases. This issue hosts submissions to the ICHRIE Johnson & Wales Case Study Competition as well as other case studies submitted by peers in the field.

To access the journal, click the following link. http://www.chrie.org/publications/jhtc/index.aspx (You will be asked to log into the ICHRIE site)

Hosteur Student Webzine

Hosteur is the only internationally distributed career and self-development magazine for future hospitality and tourism professionals. It aims to prepare the more than 60,000 students enrolled in hospitality and tourism education programs at International CHRIE member schools for careers in the industry. The objective of HOSTEUR is to ease student transition from undergraduate education to graduate- or study-abroad programs, professional life with restaurants and foodservice management, hotels and lodging; travel-related businesses; food & beverage suppliers; equipment manufacturers; trade and professional associations; and commodity groups. Published twice annually, HOSTEUR is used as a classroom and training resource by many educators and industry professionals who are anxious to integrate academic theory and pragmatic experience for the workforce of tomorrow.

Click here for more information >


The International CHRIE newsletter includes timely news and information about the world of hospitality and tourism education, special features and a Professional opportunities section listing employment opportunities for people involved in education and training for the hospitality and tourism industry. The Communique is published monthly (12 issues per year).

Click here for more information >

A Guide to College Programs in Hospitality & Tourism

A Guide to College Programs in Culinary Arts, Hospitality, and Tourism is an essential resource for prospective students and industry employees seeking advancement through education, career counselors, corporate recruiters and industry organizations. The Sixth Edition of the Guide contains up-to-date information on more than 400 educational programs in hospitality and tourism. The Guide lists programs by type of degree awarded ranging from certificates and diplomas to graduate degrees; by specialization; and by geographic location. It covers the "vital statistics" of each program - student enrollment, program features, accreditation, admission and graduation requirements, and financial aid sources. (Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc).

Click here for more information >

ESD Exchange

A CHRIE publication for the Eta Sigma Delta society. (View FAQ)

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