July 2019 | Management


Rai Shacklock

Rai Shacklock has now retired from Leeds Metropolitan University. Previously she was Head of School for Languages, which included English Language Teaching and in Summer 2009 was appointed a teacher fellow at Leeds Metropolitan University in the UK.

Rai has an MSc in Entrepreneurial Studies and a Bachelor of Education degree and worked in the Health Service for 9 years. In 1985 she joined Leeds Met and worked in hospitality management. In 1996 she led the founding development team for the first BA (Hons) Events Management in the UK and became Head of the UK Centre for Events Management (UKCEM). In 2007 she was appointed Head of Fundraising.

Rai joined CHRIE in 1990 and was Director of Membership and then President for EuroCHRIE 2001-2002. In 2003 Rai was appointed President of International CHRIE and was the first European to hold this position. She has won a number of awards both at the University and internationally. She was presented with the ‘Meek Award’ from ICHRIE for her outstanding service to hospitality and tourism education and to International CHRIE.

Rai has now been appointed as EuroCHRIE Federation Administrator but is still actively involved with International CHRIE on a range of Committees and as paper reviewer for JHTE, JHTC and as the co-chair of the Lodging track and track chair of Event Management.

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