November 2016 | Management


Maureen Brookes

Maureen is a Reader in Marketing and a Teaching Fellow within the Oxford School of Hospitality Management, Oxford Brookes University. She is Past President of both ICHRIE and EuroCHRIE, an Honorary Fellow of CHME and a member of the Professional Review Panel for the Institute of Hospitality. She previously was the UK Area Consultant for EuroCHRIE, the Hospitality Liaison Officer for the UK Higher Education Academy and a Director of Oxford Gastronomica, a specialist centre for the study of food, drink and culture.

Maureen has widely published in prestigious academic journals on franchise partner selection, relational development, opportunistic behaviour, purchase decision making, isomorphism and knowledge transfer; on entrepreneurship; on plural forms and on centric orientation. She is also the co-author of the Combat Human Trafficking, a training toolkit for hospitality organisations to use to combat human trafficking (available free from this EuroCHRIE website). Pedagogic publications have encompassed internationalisation of degree programmes, personalisation, the use of podcasting and quality management in higher education. She is the co-author of two textbooks, Hospitality Marketing (Routledege, 2017) and Entrepreneurship in Hospitality and Tourism, A Global Perspective (Goodfellows Publishing).

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