July 2019 | Management


Mats Carlbäck

After several years in the industry, both nationally and internationally, Dr Carlbäck is currently dividing his time between lecturing, researching, and programme development at RHS (School of Hospitality, Culinary Art & Meal Science) at Örebro University in Sweden. As Dr Carlbäck for many years has been running several businesses, primarily within the hospitality business, he is still active in business development, not least as a way of making research available to the end users, i.e. the industry and connected stake holders.

The development of a new Hotel Management program at RHS, due to be launched in the autumn of 2019, has given Dr Carlbäck the opportunity to expand his research activities into more educational areas. This together with ongoing research into managerial accounting, business development and entrepreneurship has generated a diverse albeit closely related research platform for the future.

Dr Carlbäck, who holds a PhD from School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, has served as the Swedish area consultant for EuroCHRIE since 2015.

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