July 2019 | Management


Florian Aubke

Florian has been an active member of the board since 2016, serving as an Area Consultant for Austria. During this time, Florian has actively promoted EuroCHRIE and its activities in the hospitality and tourism community in Austria and provided support for other members of the board. In particular, his focus was on continuous improvement of the services offered to members and thus ensuring sustained development. Due to its geographical location in Central Europe, a strong network in Austria can function as a bridge towards the East, which is one of the key motives for his engagement in EuroCHRIE.

Florian is currently appointed as Head of Master Program Leadership in Tourism at FHWien der WKW. He teaches a wide range of subjects in hospitality management, including hotel asset management, revenue management and hotel development. His interests cover relational aspects of creativity, innovation and organizational design – with a particular application to the hospitality and tourism industry. Before joining academia, Florian gained operational experiences in the hospitality and event management industry in Germany and Australia.

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