December 2016 | Management


Eda Gurel

Eda Gurel is an Assistant Professor teaching marketing in the Tourism and Hotel Management Department at the School of Applied Technology and Management, Bilkent University, Turkey. Eda has over 17 years of teaching experience at Bilkent University, one the leading universities in the world according to Times Higher Education ( She received her PhD in Business Administration from Hacettepe University, Turkey in 2006. Her research interests include services marketing, museums, tourism ethics and entrepreneurship. She has published in the Annals of Tourism Research, European Journal of Marketing and Journal of Business Ethics. Eda is honoured to be a member of EuroCHRIE for more than 10 years and a part of it as Area Consultant for Turkey since 2007. She is also actively involved in the paper review committees for the EuroCHRIE and ICHRIE conferences. Eda can be contacted at:

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