March 2019

To become a member of EuroCHRIE, you'll need to fill out the online application ›


The EuroCHRIE family is made up of professionals who share the same values, research interests and deep concerns for the education of students and the hospitality industry. Under the CHRIE umbrella, both education and industry combine their efforts to shape the future of hospitality & tourism.

EuroCHRIE members include:

  • Hospitality and Tourism School Educators and Directors
  • Graduate Students
  • PhD Students
  • Industry Trainers
  • Hospitality Consultants
  • Government Officials
  • Hospitality Industry Representatives
  • Anyone interested in hospitality and tourism education and training

Premium Members

The newest EuroCHRIE membership category delivers real value for money with membership for three individuals from your institution, additional marketing opportunities and enhanced exposure during the EuroCHRIE conference. We encourage everyone to explore Premium Membership and thank the current Premium members who have signed up.

Current Members

On clicking the following link you will be taken to the CHRIE Member Log-in page where you will be required to enter your username and password

The EuroCHRIE Conference

The highlight of EuroCHRIE membership is the annual conference held every year. Our conferences differ from those of other organizations. Our goal is to bridge the gap between academia and industry and to become a platform of innovation which is why EuroCHRIE conferences combine hospitality and tourism research presentations from world renowned institutions with valuable workshops and discussion panels from key leaders in the industry.

Countless professional partnerships and personal relationships have been built at these premier networking events. Please don’t miss out on this very special EuroCHRIE experience. In 2019 the event will be held in Hong Kong. More information about the 2019 APacCHRIE / EuroCHRIE conference can be found at The 2018 main event, organised by Dublin Institute of Technology, was a great success, and you can find out more about on the Dublin 2018 media wall.

EuroCHRIE Membership Benefits

EuroCHRIE membership provides you with wonderful networking opportunities with tourism and hospitality organisations and experts from around the world as well as additional benefits such as marketing opportunities, top quality education and research journals and discounts on EuroCHRIE annual conference and partner products.

EuroCHRIE membership benefits include:

  • Reduced conference rates on conference attendance
  • Advertising and marketing opportunities
  • Faculty internship opportunities with top international hotels
  • Discounts on industry products and programs
  • The monthly CHRIE newsletter Communiqué accessed through
  • JHTR – the Journal Hospitality and Tourism Research JHTR the online journal from SAGE but also hard copy for your bookshelf
  • JHTE -the quarterly award winning journal that relates to articles on teaching, learning and assessment in the classroom
  • Hosteur - the on-line publication for your students. It is open access for your students through
  • The EuroCHRIE Newsletter that is published hard copy at least 3 times a year.
  • CHRIE Membership

Every EuroCHRIE member automatically becomes a member of International CHRIE, the leading international organization that supports education and training for the world's largest industry. Being a CHRIE member offers you the opportunity to be involved with the governance of EuroCHRIE and International CHRIE. For those of you that are interested you can nominate yourself for a range of positions. Also as a member you are eligible to receive and nominate members for a range of awards to recognise contributions to both education and industry.

A full list of EuroCHRIE benefits can be found at:

Additional CHRIE Conferences

Other ways that you can make the most of your membership fee is through the three CHRIE conferences that are held annually, the International CHRIE conference in the USA in July and the AsiaPAC CHRIE conference in the spring. Members will receive substantial discounts on all of these events and they are wonderful opportunities to network and listen to inspiring keynote speakers, participate in interactive workshops and listen to research presentations from a global consortium of experts.

Membership Fees

EuroCHRIE membership comes at a very reasonable rate with yearly membership categories ranging from $165USD - $205USD for an individual member and $1030USD for the new Premium Membership for three members plus many special extras. A full list of EuroCHRIE membership categories, benefits and pricing can be found at:

Membership Categories

Whether you are a hospitality educator, retired professor, industry CEO or independent consultant, EuroCHRIE has a membership category that matches every profile each with its own separate fees, benefits and extras. Please have a look at the membership categories page and for any questions contact Henri Kuokkanen ( or any of the EuroCHRIE area representatives.

Premium Membership

The newest EuroCHRIE membership category delivers real value for money with membership for three individuals from your institution, additional marketing opportunities and enhanced exposure during the EuroCHRIE conference. I encourage everyone to explore Premium Membership and thank the current Premium members who have signed up. For more about premium membership please see below and the section in the ICHRIE website at:

Current Premium Members can be found at:

Emerging Nations Program

For those of you coming from an emerging market country we provide special discounts on EuroCHRIE membership please see this link for more details. View NEW Emerging Market Membership Category

Important Links

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