Conference Updates





  • Welcome to Freiburg
    The 31th EuroCHRIE Conference ("Cooperative Education & Research for Hospitality & Tourism Educators") will be held from 16th - 19th October 2013 in Freiburg,Germany. Host is the ANGELL educational group, a major player in the private educational industry in Germany, offering vocational and academic qualifications in Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management since 1992.
  • Day One from EuroCHRIE Freiburg 2013
    Board Meeting and Welcome Reception of the 31st EuroCHRIE conference which is held at the Campus of ANGELL Akademie Freiburg
  • Promotional piece on ANGELL Akademie
  • Board Meeting & Welcome Reception
    Board Meeting and Welcome Reception at the 31st EuroCHRIE conference which was held at the Campus of ANGELL Akademie Freiburg
  • Impressions from Oktoberfest
    Some impressions from the Oktoberfest during the 31st EuroCHRIE conference at the ANGELL Akademie. The Oktoberfest took place in the "Bioteria" at ANGELL campus.
  • Gala Dinner in Hotel Colombi
    Gala-Dinner in Hotel Colombi at the EuroCHRIE 2013 conference held at the campus of ANGELL Akademie


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