Call for Papers
EuroCHRIE Dubai 2014
[Note that the Call for Papers is now extended to 17 March 2014. Should you wish to submit a paper after 17 March 2014, please contact the Conference Chair, Dr. John Fong,] - See more at:
Dubai is often referred to as "The City of The Future", and the future of this city is closely linked to the continued development of tourism. The tourism and hospitality industry has faced some massive challenges in the last five years due to the global economic downturn. Whilst the industry has been one of the few in the world to continue growing, this growth has been different than expected. REVPARS have dropped, patterns of demand have changed, product and destination competition has intensified. Adding to this complexity and fuelling further change has been a dramatic digital and generational reconfiguration of the business world that has resulted in the need to re-think business strategy and educational provision.
The aim of the EuroCHRIE Dubai 2014 Conference is to:
1. Reflect on how the world of Hospitality and Tourism has changed.
2. Scientifically consider what the future challenges and opportunities for the industry are.
3. Consider how these changes need to be reflected in Hospitality and Tourism education.
4. Determine how International CHRIE and EuroCHRIE can assist us to change, develop and meet these new requirements and to excel in our missions to develop the industry leaders of the future.
Conference Papers or Poster Presentations are invited from academics, students and practitioners that address one of the following six themes:
Theme 1 - Education Futures
How will Hospitality and Tourism Education have to change in 5, 10 and 15 years’ time? e.g. Changing nature of student and graduate profiles, programmes, subjects, teaching and learning methodologies, internships, continual professional development, the role of validation and professional bodies, proximity to industry and industry partnerships.
Theme 2 - Sectoral Futures
How will the sectors in the industry have changed, merged or be challenged in the next 15 years? e.g. Development of new sectors, changing patterns of consumption, impacts on fast food, hotels, restaurants, bars/clubs, in-flight catering, gambling, cruising, aviation, tour operators, travel agents, etc . What will be the changing roles of regulatory bodies?
Theme 3 - Product Type Futures
What predictions can we make for new types of products over the next 10 to 15 years? e.g. Growth in virtual tourism, tourism and destinations simulations, theme parks, heritage/cultural tourism, dark tourism, health tourism, green and eco-tourism, educational tourism, space and deep sea tourism etc.
Theme 4 - Technological Futures
How will technology change and impact on tourism over the next 5, 10 and 15 years? e.g. Emerging digital technologies, food technology, construction innovations, robotics, translation technology, transportation, fuel technology etc.
Theme 5 - Functional Futures
How will the internal and industry wide structures of our industry be re-shaped in the next 15 years? e.g. The integration or fragmentation or even abolition of functional departments such as Marketing, Finance, HRM, Facilities Management. What is the future for Revenue Management, Training, Engineering etc.? Will there be consolidation leading to fewer but larger international tourism companies, and how will political, religious and social divides impact our industry?
Theme 6 - Futures Topics
Thinking not only outside of the box, but beyond boxes themselves, what are the topics that will be pertinent and have impact over the next decade and beyond? e.g. Leadership and strategy, coping with innovation and change, entrepreneurship, globalisation, beyond branding, climate change and sustainable issues, new customer relationships, the changing nature of service, beyond quality to life-long partnerships etc.
All Conference Papers should meet the following guidelines:
- Maximum 3,000 words excluding the title, abstract, figures, tables and references
- Abstract maximum of 150 words
- Maximum of six keywords
- Indication of which of the above six themes the paper fits into
- Be prepared in MS Word (using the EuroCHRIE Paper Style Guidelines)
- Be written in English (UK spelling) and be free from grammatical and spelling errors
- Authors of accepted papers are expected to make a 20 minute presentation; at least one author of an accepted paper must register for the conference and be prepared to make a presentation
To assist you in preparing your paper for submission, guidelines have been prepared in MS Word. Typing directly into the document is an easy and effective way to ensure your paper meets the style requirements. Please download the EuroCHRIE Paper Style Guidelines here: EuroCHRIE Paper Style Guidelines.doc
All Poster Presentations should meet the following guidelines:
- Maximum 1,000 words excluding the title, abstract, figures, tables and references
- Abstract maximum of 150 words
- Maximum of six keywords
- Indication of which of the above six themes the poster presentation fits into
- Be prepared in MS Word (using the EuroCHRIE Poster Style Guidelines)
- Be written in English (UK spelling) and be free from grammatical and spelling errors
- Poster sessions may be used to present "works in progress"
- Authors of accepted posters are expected to set up their posters at a specified time according to the conference schedule
To assist you in preparing your poster for submission, guidelines have been prepared in MS Word. Typing directly into the document is an easy and effective way to ensure your poster submission meets the style requirements. Please download the EuroCHRIE Poster Style Guidelines here: EuroCHRIE Poster Style Guidelines.doc
Submission Procedure for Conference Papers or Poster Presentations
Please submit your conference paper or poster presentation by 3rd March 17th March 2014 via the EasyChair website:
In the event that the EasyChair website is unavailable, please email your conference paper or poster presentation submissions to the Publication Chair, Dr Sanjay Nadkarni ( in an attached MS Word file.
Kindly adhere to the EuroCHRIE Style Guidelines and indicate which of the above six themes conference paper or poster presentation fits into.
Important Information Full Paper Submission Due Date: 3rd March 17th March 2014 Notification of Paper Acceptance: on or before 29 April 2014 End of Early Bird Registrations: 30 June 2014 Conference Dates: 6 - 9 October 2014 For more information, please visit: Note: Professional Development Programmes such as Certified Hospitality Educator (CHE) and Certified Hospitality Trainer (CHT) are available after the conference at an additional cost. If you are interested, please register your intention early to avoid disappointment.
On-Campus Accommodation @ The Emirates Academy Lodging Approximately USD 99 + 10% municipality fee per night (including self-catering breakfast provisions in room)
Limited number of rooms available so please book early!
For Room Bookings, please email:
For other enquiries relating to EuroCHRIE Dubai 2014, please email:
EuroCHRIE Dubai 2014 Conference Organising Committee
The Organising Committee for the Conference reports directly to the Managing Director of The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management, Mr Ron Hilvert.
Conference Chair
Dr John Fong (
Programme Chair
Dr Stuart Jauncey (
Publication Chair
Dr Sanjay Nadkarni (
Registration and Accommodation Chair
Mr Andreas Beisser (
Sponsorships and Exhibitions Chair
Ms Marianne Saulwick (
Culinary Chair
Chef Michael Kitts (
Conference Secretary
Ms Annelie Bea (
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