Welcome from the EuroCHRIE President
Date / Time: Wednesday 26th October
Venue: Budapest Metropolitan University

Dear Friends,
We are delighted to welcome you to the 34th annual EuroCHRIE conference and the fascinating city of Budapest! Over the next few days, we will rekindle friendship, expand our networks and participate in cutting- edge research discussions.
Of course, as with every EuroCHRIE conference, there will be no lack of social events and the gala dinner (to be held in one of the most spectacular thermal spas in the world) is certainly not to be missed!
The theme of this year’s conference focuses on “Wellness” within the Hospitality and Tourism industry and this includes the wellbeing of employees and satisfaction of guests. There will be research papers that will highlight our industry’s good practices and we will also take the opportunity to share what is going well within our academic areas.
I would like to mention as well that EuroCHRIE is working on a partnership with “Hospitality Asset Managers Association, Middle East & Africa (HAMA MEA)” and “Amadeus Travel Intelligence”. Do look out for Rene Beil, President of HAMA MEA who will be keen to share insights with you about asset management as a career path. Also, Amadeus representatives at the conference will appreciate your inputs for an education version that Alex Rayner who is the Lead Consultant on the project is proposing.
If this is your first EuroCHRIE conference, we would like to extend a special welcome to you and hope that you will join us again next year in Nairobi, Kenya. It is EuroCHRIE’s debut in the African continent and by all counts promises to be an unforgettable conference.
Lastly, my special thanks go to our host, Budapest Metropolitan University and in particular Melanie Smith and László Puczkó who have done an amazing job organising this conference. Having organised a conference myself, I know that it is no easy feat and I really admire the way that Melanie, László and the organising team have gone about their work.
Friends, we live in exciting times and as educators, we are tasked with shaping the young minds of the future. Let’s use this Conference to expand our network, stretch our horizon and increase our influence so as to benefit the next generation. May we never cease to surprise and amaze ourselves and the people around us! Have a great Conference!