Sally Brown
Engaging Students, Engaging Staff
How can we foster high levels of staff and student motivation to produce excellence in learning and teaching Higher Education students are sometimes seen nowadays as being under-motivated and as failing to engage fully with learning. This in turn is demotivating for the people who teach them. In this session we will address some of the causes of disengagement and discuss a range of techniques and approaches to bring back the joy of learning to the classroom
Date / Time:
Thursday 27 October 2016 (9.00 – 10.30)
Budapest Metropolitan University (Room K302)
Who is Sally Brown?
She is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, is a Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) Senior Fellow and a UK National Teaching Fellow. She is widely published in the field of teaching, learning and particularly assessment. Her latest book (2015) is ‘Learning, Teaching and Assessment: Global Perspectives (Palgrave).
Her areas of expertise and workshops as well as a full list of publications can be seen at the website at http://sally-brown.net/
Contact at s.brown@leedsmet.ac.uk or sally@sally-brown.net
Twitter @ProfSallyBrown