• An international honor society recognizing exceptional academic achievement among hospitality, tourism & culinary art students.

Why Establish an ESD Chapter?

  • To provide professional, organizational and educational benefits to top hospitality, tourism & culinary art students;
  • To aid institutions in recruiting new students;
  • To bring national awareness to institutions by issuing press releases to the national media when holding an induction ceremony; and
  • To serve the community by uniting outstanding students for campus activities, fundraisers and volunteer programs.

What are the Student Benefits?

  • The opportunity to distinguish themselves in the eyes of educators, recruiters and industry executives.
  • ESD students and ESD alumni now have the opportunity provide International CHRIE Industry Partners access to their contact information for recruiting. Bi-Annual updates are sent to all International CHRIE Industry Partners to ensure they get the most up-to-date information.

How Can My School Establish an ESD Chapter?

To find out more information about ESD or to obtain a Chapter Application, please contact:

Megan Boidock
Administrative Coordinator

Tel: 01 (804) 346-4800
Fax: 01 (804) 346-5009

This page was last updated on Saturday, July 24, 2010 15:33

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