Touching an Untouched Topic: (Un)Professional Boundaries and Relationships in the Academy
Date / Time: Wednesday 25th October (15.00 - 16.30)
Venue: Radisson Blu, Nairobi
Facilitator: Dr. Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore
A workshop for dialogue, reflexivity and action
This session presents a tool and method to begin a dialogue, reflexivity and thereafter, action on the beauty and the abuse which characterizes human relationships and emotions in academic environments. The main aim of this project is to help create spaces of trust, where academics can reflect on experiences and complex issues, which are often considered taboo, shameful or private, although these experiences have a major impact in our wellbeing and working lives. The session has been collaboratively developed by the following scholars: Kellee Caton, Claudia Eger, Heather Jeffrey, Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore, Ana María Munar, Nigel Morgan and Elaine Yang.