STR Certification in Hotel Industry Analytics (CHIA) Training Session and Train the Trainer Workshop
Date / Time: Sunday 22nd & Monday 23rd October (9.00 - 17.00)
Venue: Strathmore University, Nairobi
Facilitator: Steve Hood
You are cordially invited to attend a “Certification in Hotel Industry Analytics” (CHIA) training session and Train-theTrainer workshop. The session will be held on Sunday October 22nd (full day) and the morning of October 23rd , 2017. The location will be at Strathmore University in Nairobi. We want to thank Joy Goopio and the Strathmore staff for hosting this event.
Certification in Hotel Industry Analytics (CHIA)
The “Certification in Hotel Industry Analytics” is being offered globally to students, professors and industry professionals through a joint effort between AH&LEI, ICHRIE and STR. Nearly 6,000 CHIA certifications have been granted, and over 60 public training sessions have been conducted. The CHIA is the leading certification for industry professionals focused on analytics and the leading hotel-related certification for students graduating from Hospitality and Tourism programs. It is endorsed by the Institute of Hospitality and many other hotel organizations.
This recognition provides evidence of a thorough knowledge of the foundational metrics, definitions, formulas, and methodologies that are used by the hotel industry. Recipients have proven that they can “do the math” and interpret the results. They have demonstrated an ability to analyze various types of hotel industry data and to make strategic inferences based upon that analysis. Certification also confirms a comprehensive understanding of benchmarking and performance reports. Achieving this distinction announces that these recipients have a place among the best professionals in our industry and opens the doors to future career opportunities. Participants receive a certificate and are able to use the CHIA designation on their business cards and resumes.
The CHIA training covers the following content:
- Hotel Industry Analytical Foundations
- Hotel Math Fundamentals, the metrics used by the Hotel Industry
- Property Level Benchmarking
- Hotel Industry Performance Reports
A detailed outline and also testimonials are available. The session also prepares instructors to be able to present the CHIA training to their students. A comprehensive training package is available including PowerPoints, application exercises, supporting materials, quizzes and practice exams. It is easy to personalize the training related to a specific area of the world or for the specific needs of a school, company or organization.